Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Yoga To Increase Height - Amazing Tips Revealed

Yoga exercises can actually help you gain height. There are several reasons why they work, but the main reason they work is because the exercises strengthen and lengthen the spine and improve posture. One can gain about an inch in height using this discipline. Yoga can be used to increase height.

Yoga was developed in ancient India as a way of life. Its disciplines include ways of living and mind and body exercises designed to improve physical and mental health as well as spirituality. In western countries it is mainly the physical exercises that are practiced, but that is not all there is to Yoga.

Yoga exercises have names. There are 4 described herein which will improve posture and loosen the spine and thereby increase physical height. Since it is easier to learn exercises if you can see a picture or a demonstration, you might want to look online under the names of the exercises to get a better idea how to do them.

The first one is called mountain pose. Stand up straight with your feet apart, just inside shoulder width. Tuck in your tailbone. Suck in your belly. Move your shoulders back and down. Stretch your head high lengthening your neck and backbone. Hold this pose for one minute and then relax. Do it several times. This separates the vertebrae in your backbone and aligns the spine. A good yoga exercise to increase height.

The next yoga exercise for someone who wants to grow taller is called downward-facing dog. Get down on a mat on your hands and knees. Put your hands just in front of your shoulders. Lift your knees off the mat and make your legs straight so you are supported by your hands and feet and your body makes nearly a triangle with the mat as the base. Push your heels towards the mat. Do this for one minute while breathing deeply. This exercise strengthens the shoulders and draws them back.

The third yoga exercise for increased height we will simply call easy back bend. It gives your back a deep but supported stretch. Lie on your back on the mat with a cylindrical pillow just below your shoulder blades and a rolled up towel or blanket beneath your neck. Breathe deeply and don’t fall asleep.

The fourth exercise is called a twist. Lie on your back on the mat. Tuck your chin slightly toward your neck. Stretch your arms out to your sides with the palms of your hands facing up. Bend your knees and lift them to your chest, then twist your body to lower your bent legs to the mat on the right side. Hold for one minute while breathing deeply. Bring your knees up to your chest again and this time lower your legs to the left side and hold.

These are relaxing exercises, so enjoy yourself. You can use yoga to increase height.

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