Thursday, September 5, 2013

Learn Unheard Of Tips To Increase Height Naturally

If you are interested in growing taller in a normal way, whether you are a young person or an adult, you might be interested in what to eat.  Increasing height naturally requires the right diet.

A sensible, healthy diet is imperative.  The body must obtain the building blocks for growth in order to grow.  Exactly what constitutes a sensible, healthy diet might be disputed, but you can hardly go wrong eating good meat and fresh vegetables and drinking plenty of water, while avoiding sugar and packaged foods.  Or can you? 

Eating beef, fish and poultry ought to pose no problems – these are high protein foods that provide the body with basic building blocks.  But where you may run into trouble is in the course of ingesting the meat that provides the protein, you may also be ingesting hormones and antibiotics that possibly stunt growth and work against your quest to grow taller in a natural way.  

You may have heard on the news that Europe is banned beef from cattle raised in the US and Canada because the cattle were raised on hormones and antibiotics.  This is true. And you may have heard of all the hoopla as a result – one side saying the beef is safe and the other side saying, no, it’s not.

So who do you believe?  The truth is that nobody really knows.  Those who banned the beef feel they have enough evidence to prove that the added hormones and antibiotics are dangerous to humans and those who fed those things to their cattle say they’ve been doing it for years with no harmful effects.  

And every time one side does a bit of research and publishes a paper about it, the other side tears it down.  The hormones used in raising beef cattle are actually steroids – the very same that baseball players get in trouble for using.  They make the cattle grow faster and make them develop more muscle, so they can be slaughtered and taken to market sooner.  Thus the cattle rancher makes more money.

Baby chicks are started on “medicated” feed from day one.  Even if you have backyard chickens, the feed you are offered for chicks from the feed store is “medicated.”  You have to ask for non-medicated feed or go to another store.  The “medication” will be present in the meat of the chicken, and in the eggs it lays.

You might think that eating those steroids in beef would make a child grow faster, but mostly it makes them develop sexual characteristics at a younger age.  And there is some evidence these steroids can have a detrimental effect on naturally growing tall.  

The safe answer, if you want to grow taller and stronger, is to not eat meat, fish or fowl that has been raised with hormones and antibiotics.  Such beef is available, in health food stores and some supermarkets.  Although it costs more, it is certainly cheaper than many things you might try to increase height naturally.

Untreated meats and eggs are available at farmer’s markets, or you could raise your own backyard chickens.  Or buy grass fed beef from a farm.  Or shoot a deer and eat venison (in season, of course). Or shoot and butcher a feral hog.  Or get one from some country folk you know.  

There are all kinds of solutions to eating healthy protein.  None are as easy as walking into a supermarket, but if you want to increase your height naturally, you’ll put out a little extra effort.

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